Dr Miles Thompson

Clinical Psychologist and Associate Professor in Psychology

Tackling the climate and ecological crises: Contributions from community, critical community, and liberation psychology (Die Bewältigung der Klima- und Umweltkrise Beiträge der (kritischen) Community Psychology und Befreiungspsychologi).

Title:Tackling the climate and ecological crises: Contributions from community, critical community, and liberation psychology

Die Bewältigung der Klima- und Umweltkrise Beiträge der (kritischen) Community Psychology und Befreiungspsychologi
Author(s):Miles Thompson, Maria Fernandes-Jesus, Brendon Barnes
Outlet:Critical Environmental Psychology

Kritische Umweltpsychologie
Summary:In the following chapter, we first provide an overview of the history, variety, values and methods of the community psychologies. Then, we briefly explore some key terms to illustrate how it has not always been easy to achieve what the field aspires to. Next, we summarise some of the work community psychology has contributed to the area of climate change – although it is important to note, that community psychology has only recently turned to focus on the climate and ecological emergencies. Finally we look forward, discussing future directions and challenges within community psychology and related fields.

As authors, we do not claim expertise in critical environmental psychology (CEP) – but are excited to see it develop and move forward. We are writing this chapter so that those who are advancing CEP can see if there is anything useful to learn from community psychology. We do not say this because we believe community psychology has all the right answers, but because our subject area might provide a useful point of reference as CEP develops and grows.
Reference:Thompson, M., Fernandes-Jesus, M., & Barnes, B. (2024). Tackling the climate and ecological crises: Contributions from community, critical community, and liberation psychology (Die Bewältigung der Klima- und Umweltkrise Beiträge der (kritischen) Community Psychology und Befreiungspsychologi). In Critical Environmental Psychology (Kritische Umweltpsychologie) (119-138). Psychosozial-Verlag GmbH & Co. https://doi.org/10.30820/9783837962574-119.
Online Access:Chapter (in German) on publishers website here

The author’s final manuscript is available by contacting Miles Thompson (see below).
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